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Zendikar draft walkthrough (mono-red)

I admit, I enjoy success. This is why I tend to write walkthroughs that are about drafts in which I succeed, and keep those unlucky drafts tucked away in my ‘replays’ directory. Today’s draft is of the second type.

Before you continue on to the draft itself, I’d like to ask you to take a look at an experiment I’m launching – it’s a Q&A site about Magic called Draw3Cards. It’s built around the technology behind the successfully Q&A site for programmers, StackOverflow. I believe this site would benefit the Magic community, but I need help starting it up (as you might see, I asked most of the questions so far).

So, if you can spare 10 minutes, please go in and ask or answer a few questions. You won’t be able to vote right away, because of the built-in reputation system (to keep the bad bots away). Don’t worry though, the reputation required to vote is a measly 15, and I’m sure you’ll get there in no time.

Well, on with the draft then!

Pack 1

Pick 1

Rite of ReplicationMarsh CasualtiesGreenweaver DruidInferno TrapDesecrated Earth
Mold ShamblerHedron ScrabblerSpell PierceKor CartographerGrim Discovery
Seismic ShudderNimbus WingsWhiplash TrapGoblin Shortcutter
Wow, what a pack! I would be happy with the rare or any of the uncommons here. I pick Inferno Trap because it's not commiting and Rite is only a bomb if you get to 9 mana. Let's see what I'll be passed next pick...
My pick:
Inferno Trap

Pick 2

Kazandu BlademasterTurntimber BasiliskRuneflare TrapPiranha MarshKor Cartographer
Grim DiscoveryTimbermaw LarvaInto the RoilBurst LightningPillarfield Ox
Goblin ShortcutterKor SkyfisherMire Blight
Since I passed good green, I avoid the Basilisk. I wonder if I spend too much thought on signaling and less on card quality. I pick Burst Lightning which is a fine card, but I'm not sure it's 2nd-pick grade.
My pick:
Burst Lightning

Pick 3

Lavaball TrapNeedlebite TrapGoblin RuinblasterStonework PumaKor Sanctifiers
Mindless NullGoblin War PaintMakindi ShieldmateVines of VastwoodParalyzing Grasp
Grazing GladehartKor Skyfisher
A huge mistake here, I take Lavaball Trap, which is problematic and situational. I think Paralyzing Grasp would have been a better choice here.
My pick:
Lavaball Trap

Pick 4

Seascape AerialistSummoner's BaneMold ShamblerKraken HatchlingTorch Slinger
Kor CartographerNarrow EscapeVampire's BiteTeetering PeaksRelic Crush
Vines of Vastwood
I'm rather happy with Torch Slinger in this pack. Hmm, shall I go mono-red?
My pick:
Torch Slinger

Pick 5

Landbind RitualDesecrated EarthRuinous MinotaurSunspring ExpeditionSpreading Seas
Turntimber GroveZektar Shrine ExpeditionShatterskull GiantBold DefenseVampire Lacerator
I believe this is a mispick too. The giant is less fragile, and I'm not drafting an aggro deck but rather a control deck.
My pick:
Ruinous Minotaur

Pick 6

Valakut, the Molten PinnacleQuest for Ancient SecretsKazandu RefugeMindless NullHighland Berserker
Kor CartographerGrim DiscoveryTimbermaw LarvaKor Outfitter
I can't resist Valakut, as it fits my mono-red control deck. Yes, more often than not it will just be a mountain that comes into play tapped. Still, if it's playable, then it's in a deck like I'm drafting right now.
My pick:
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle

Pick 7

Hedron CrabQuest for Pure FlameSummoner's BaneTeetering PeaksRelic Crush
Tempest OwlKor OutfitterSky Ruin Drake
Nothing I like here, Quest might be playable, but most likely not.
My pick:
Quest for Pure Flame

Pick 8

Arid MesaMindless NullTerritorial BalothCancelHighland Berserker
Oran-Rief RecluseMolten Ravager
Another mistake, I think both Molten Ravager and the Baloth are better. The reason I did pick the fetchland is to allow me to maintain an almost pure monodeck, with one planes, for a quality white splash.
My pick:
Arid Mesa

Pick 9

Desecrated EarthHedron ScrabblerSpell PierceSeismic ShudderNimbus Wings
Whiplash Trap

My pick:
Seismic Shudder

Pick 10

Runeflare TrapPiranha MarshKor CartographerPillarfield OxMire Blight
No, that's not the "quality splash" I'm waiting for.
My pick:
Pillarfield Ox

Pick 11

Stonework PumaKor SanctifiersMindless NullGoblin War Paint

My pick:
Goblin War Paint

Pick 12

Kraken HatchlingKor CartographerRelic Crush

My pick:
Kor Cartographer

Pick 13

Landbind RitualSunspring Expedition

My pick:
Sunspring Expedition

Pick 14

Quest for Ancient Secrets

Pack 2

Pick 1

Sea Gate LoremasterFeast of BloodPrimal BellowGoblin RuinblasterParalyzing Grasp
Seismic ShudderNimbus WingsExplorer's ScopePlated GeopedeKor Hookmaster
Soul Stair ExpeditionOran-Rief SurvivalistKabira CrossroadsWhiplash Trap
Much less quality in this pack, though the Geopede's first strike might work nicely with instant burn.
My pick:
Plated Geopede

Pick 2

Devout LightcasterTajuru ArcherGeyser GliderKraken HatchlingTorch Slinger
TanglesapLethargy TrapHarrowIor Ruin ExpeditionSky Ruin Drake
Tuktuk GruntsSpidersilk NetSteppe Lynx
I'm desparately in need of good creatures, and Geyser Glider is as good as they get in red.
My pick:
Geyser Glider

Pick 3

Misty RainforestTajuru ArcherPunishing FireMerfolk WayfinderKhalni Heart Expedition
Spell PierceIor Ruin ExpeditionMolten RavagerTeetering PeaksRelic Crush
Seismic ShudderHagra Crocodile
Burn, burn, and more burn.
My pick:
Punishing Fire

Pick 4

Summoner's BaneTrailblazer's BootsRavenous TrapKor CartographerGrim Discovery
Vines of VastwoodSeismic ShudderNimbus WingsTrapfinder's TrickDemolish
Caravan Hurda

My pick:
Seismic Shudder

Pick 5

Inferno TrapQuest for Ancient SecretsCrypt RipperTanglesapKor Outfitter
Vastwood GorgerOran-Rief SurvivalistKabira CrossroadsVampire LaceratorBeast Hunt
The two players in front of me are not playing red, as I didn't pass them any.
My pick:
Inferno Trap

Pick 6

Primal BellowMind SludgeWelkin TernMagma RiftInto the Roil
Nissa's ChosenTrapfinder's TrickBeast HuntCaller of Gales

My pick:
Magma Rift

Pick 7

Trailblazer's BootsShoal SerpentGoblin BushwhackerKor OutfitterSpidersilk Net
Mire BlightSavage SilhouetteSoaring Seacliff
The bushwhacker is a total misfit in my deck, but I'm desparate for creatures at this stage. The equipment would sit on the ground useless in my deck.
My pick:
Goblin Bushwhacker

Pick 8

Magosi, the WaterveilLandbind RitualMerfolk WayfinderRuneflare TrapJoraga Bard
Mire BlightScythe Tiger
Nothing even remotely possible in my colors.
My pick:
Merfolk Wayfinder

Pick 9

Primal BellowGoblin RuinblasterParalyzing GraspSeismic ShudderNimbus Wings
Kabira Crossroads

My pick:
Goblin Ruinblaster

Pick 10

Kraken HatchlingTanglesapLethargy TrapTuktuk GruntsSpidersilk Net

My pick:
Tuktuk Grunts

Pick 11

Spell PierceMolten RavagerRelic CrushSeismic Shudder
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My pick:
Molten Ravager

Pick 12

Ravenous TrapNimbus WingsTrapfinder's Trick
I knew I'd get a ravager eventually (but two would have worked out better than one).
My pick:
Nimbus Wings

Pick 13

Quest for Ancient SecretsTanglesap

My pick:

Pick 14

Caller of Gales

Pack 3

Pick 1

Blood TributeGreenweaver DruidTrailblazer's BootsAkoum RefugeRuinous Minotaur
Sunspring ExpeditionCrypt RipperSpire BarrageKor CartographerTempest Owl
Goblin War PaintMakindi ShieldmateHideous EndSoaring Seacliff
It's great even in a two color deck, but it shines in mono-red.
My pick:
Spire Barrage

Pick 2

Lavaball TrapKor DuelistTurntimber BasiliskTrapmaker's SnareStonework Puma
Desecrated EarthKor SanctifiersMindless NullCliff ThreaderKor Outfitter
DisfigureShatterskull GiantNoble Vestige
Meat is good.
My pick:
Shatterskull Giant

Pick 3

Mindbreak TrapVampire HexmageRuneflare TrapDesecrated EarthMold Shambler
Kraken HatchlingMakindi ShieldmateVines of VastwoodSky Ruin DrakeTuktuk Grunts
Spidersilk NetSteppe Lynx
Have to have some way to attack, after my burn clears the board.
My pick:
Tuktuk Grunts

Pick 4

Arid MesaBlazing TorchSummoner's BaneTanglesapLethargy Trap
Piranha MarshSpire BarrageTempest OwlHagra CrocodileAdventuring Gear
Beast Hunt
Another Arid Mesa! No, another Spire Barrage.
My pick:
Spire Barrage

Pick 5

Pitfall TrapMold ShamblerKraken HatchlingKhalni Heart ExpeditionVines of Vastwood
Sky Ruin DrakeTuktuk GruntsTrapfinder's TrickBeast HuntCaller of Gales
Ah-ha! This is the splash I was waiting for. There are some creatures red just can't take care of, and the trap is perfect for those.
My pick:
Pitfall Trap

Pick 6

Hellfire MongrelWindborne ChargeCancelCliff ThreaderKhalni Heart Expedition
Spell PierceRuinous MinotaurPillarfield OxJoraga Bard
Another of these burn-card-advantage package.
My pick:
Hellfire Mongrel

Pick 7

Kraken HatchlingTorch SlingerIor Ruin ExpeditionMolten RavagerNarrow Escape
Vampire's BiteTeetering PeaksMakindi Shieldmate
I'm thinking about using Zektar defensively here. Nothing wrong with keeping it, and spewing out a 7/1 elemental to block at instant speed.
My pick:
Torch Slinger

Pick 8

Quest for Pure FlameNimbus WingsSpreading SeasShieldmate's BlessingZektar Shrine Expedition
Ondu ClericHagra Crocodile

My pick:
Zektar Shrine Expedition

Pick 9

Trailblazer's BootsAkoum RefugeRuinous MinotaurSunspring ExpeditionGoblin War Paint
Soaring Seacliff
I don't want my opponents to have it, and it could be useful in the mirror - pretty good odds that my opponent (across from me) is playing red.
My pick:
Ruinous Minotaur

Pick 10

Desecrated EarthMindless NullCliff ThreaderKor OutfitterNoble Vestige

My pick:
Cliff Threader

Pick 11

Mindbreak TrapRuneflare TrapDesecrated EarthSky Ruin Drake

My pick:
Runeflare Trap

Pick 12

TanglesapPiranha MarshTempest Owl
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My pick:

Pick 13

Trapfinder's TrickCaller of Gales

My pick:
Caller of Gales

Pick 14

Spell Pierce

* This walkthrough was created by Create Your Own Magic Draft Walkthrough

The decklist:


  • 2 X Inferno Trap
  • Burst Lightning
  • Lavaball Trap
  • 2 X Seismic Shudder
  • Punishing Fire
  • Magma Rift
  • 2 X Spire Barrage
  • Pitfall Trap


  • 2 X Torch Slinger
  • 2 X Ruinous Minotaur
  • Plated Geopede
  • Geyser Glider
  • Goblin Ruinblaster
  • 2 X Tuktuk Grunts
  • Hellfire Mongrel
  • Skatterskull Giant
  • Molten Ravager


  • Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
  • Arid Mesa
  • 14 X Mountain
  • Planes

A total of 12 playable removals (counting pitfall trap and the goblins, but not Lavaball Trap because … well … I never got to 8 mana and played the damn thing). This is not including all mountains past the 5th that come into play when Valakut is around. I was quite happy with the deck … until it saw the light of battle, that is.

I went 0-3 against my opponent. A couple of games were really bad mana, but my opponent’s Sea Gate Loremaster, Sorin Markov, Blood Tributes, Baloths and Halo Hunter sealed the deal. He also had a Scuta mob which came into play with plenty of lands to pump him next turn, only to be shot down by a random burn spell on my turn.

What would you have done differently? A different first pick here could lead to an entirely different deck. What is your first pick here?


  1. Anon:

    Marsh casualties would have been the better 1st pick (but your pick worked better in the end). Pick 3 was difficult. I probably would have gone with skyfisher, or perhaps ruinblaster or paralysing grasp. Pick 4 summoner’s bane. More summoner’s banes follow, together with whiplash traps and some blue flyers and blockers. Of course, my picks would have affected what others were drafting, but I would have gone R/U. Lot’s of fantastic U coming late – it was very open – and together with red it should have made a great deck.

  2. ripper234:

    Paralysing Grasp is better than Skyfisher IMO, for many creatures it is almost a Terminate. Ruinblaster doesn’t seem too lucrative, but that depends on the deck you’re trying to build.

    Pick 4 – Don’t you think Torch Slinger is at least as good as Summoner’s Bane, and _in color_?

    But yeah, UR can be wonderful, the colors complement each other nicely.

  3. rif-raf:

    I think you definatly drafted control. I think the minatours are good in this deck because you don’t have many blockers for early game.

    I do aggree that marsh casualties would have been a better first pick.

    I also think sky fisher would have been the way to go, as about 3 packs with insane white kept coming through, so by passing them you made the player to your left the insane white player. also sky fisher is amazing in red/white, with teetering peeks, torch slingers, bushwackers and allies. definatly better than paraltzing grasp that doesn’t stop ally abilities, and is destroyed by mold shambler.
    you took quest for the pure flame above teetering peaks, was it becouse you alredy decided on control? I think peaks is amazing for aggro and pretty good for any deck.
    Also you passed a few highland berseker who would have been a good blocker and is one of the best aggresive allies (2 drop!).

    oh well, my decisions could be diffrent because iv’e gone googoo for aggro. how did the deck do?

  4. ripper234:

    I usually aim for control, it’s a perversion I guess. I wrote after the picks how well the deck played out … not too well (0-3!)

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